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Lab Tests

Austin Square Medical Group

Gregory J. Facemyer, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.

Family Practice & Board Certified/Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians located in Youngstown, OH

Laboratory tests are used to check for a variety of preventative and acute medical conditions from HTN, Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, and Hypothyyrodism, to fatigue, anemia, weight gain, gout , strep throat, UTI, Covid-19, and the FLU. 

Lab Tests Q & A

How can I get lab services performed?

At Austin Square Medical Group, patients can have fasting or non-fasting labs drawn at ANY lab of your choice, or convered by your plan.  With Medicare, they may ask you to sign an Advanced Beneficiary Notice(ABN) as well, in case Medicare denies payment. Some labs in our area include : Path Labs, Mercy Health, Labcorp, Quest, and Cleveland Clinic.